Registration Number:
  Company Secretary: Sirdar South Africa Proprietary Limited
  +27 11 568 2375

  Arranger & Debt Issue Agent: Louw & Company
  35 Fricker Road, Ground Floor, Ethos Building, Illovo, Sandton, 2196, Gauteng, South Africa
True South 1 (Pty) Ltd

Issue Date

25 January 2022

Maturity Date

30 September 2023

Amount Issued

43 000 000

Coupon Rate


Coupon Type


Coupon Frequency


Next Coupon Date

01 January 1970

Book Close Date

22 September 2023



Market Identifier


Trading Service

Listed Debt

The purpose of each True South special purpose vehicle is to issue Notes under the relevant Notes Programme, pursuant to the Programme Memorandum, and use the proceeds of each Tranche of Notes to finance investments which relate to that Tranche of Notes. The lead dealer and arranger for all Notes issuances is Louw Capital Markets Proprietary Limited, trading as Louw & Company. Please contact the arranger for any further information regarding the Notes Programmes.

Industry Classification

Non-bank Financial Institution

Listing Date

31 March 2022

Best Bids
Price Volume Orders All in Price Clean Price Accrued Interest
Best Offers
Price Volume Orders All in Price Clean Price Accrued Interest
Company Announcements