CTSE Exchange Rules
This document contains the CTSE Exchange Rules that concern the conduct and activities of CTSE, Authorised Users, the Registry, Issuers and Clients.
CTSE Fee Schedule
This document sets out the fees payable by Issuers, Issuer Agents and Authorised Users to any CTSE group entity.
Listing on CTSE
This document provides Applicants with information regarding an equity listing on CTSE.
Conflict of Interests Policy
This document sets out how CTSE meets its Regulatory Obligations to manage potential, perceived or actual conflicts.
CTSE Conflict of Interest Assessment
This document sets out the CTSE Conflict of Interest Report for the year under review.
Authorised User Application Form
This form should be completed by a party wishing to be admitted as an Authorised User of CTSE.
- +- Listing Requirements & Schedules
CTSE Equity Listing Requirements
This document sets out the CTSE Equity Listing Requirements for the listing of securities on the Official List and the respective continuing obligations.
Equity Listing Schedules
The Schedules are supplemental to the CTSE Equity Listing Requirements.
- +- Equity Guidance Notes
Guidance Note 1 - Nominees
Guidance Note 1 provides guidance around the treatment of Nominees recorded on an Issuer’s share register.
Guidance Note 2 - Submissions
Guidance Note 2 provides guidance around the submission of documents to the CTSE Issuer Regulation Division.
Guidance Note 3 - CTSE Impact Board
Guidance Note 3 provides guidance around the eligibility, requirements, and continuing obligations for CSTE Issuers who wish to be included on the CTSE Impact Board.
- +- Other
Equity Listing Journey
This sets out the steps that should be followed when applying for an Equity listing on CTSE.
Issuer Agent Application Form
This form should be completed by a party wishing to be accredited as an Internal or External Equity Issuer Agent.
Equity Corporate Actions Timetables
This document sets out the prescribed timelines relating to Corporate Actions undertaken by an Issuer.
- +- Checklists
CTSE Equity Business Plan Checklist
This checklist is to be used regarding the submission of a Business Plan to the Issuer Regulation Division.
CTSE Equity MOI Checklist
This checklist is to be used regarding the submission of an MOI to the Issuer Regulation Division.
CTSE Equity New Listings Checklist
This checklist is to be used regarding the submission of Listing Particulars or a Prospectus to the Issuer Regulation Division.
- +- Listing Requirements & Schedules
4AX Debt Listing Requirements
This document contains the 4AX Debt Listing Requirements for the listing of debt instruments on the Official List.
Debt Listing Schedules
The Schedules are supplemental to the CTSE Debt Listing Requirements.
Proposed amendments to CTSE Debt Listing Requirements
This document contains the proposed marked-up amendments to the CTSE Debt Listing Requirements for public comments.
- +- Debt Guidance Notes
To date, no Debt Guidance Notes have been issued
- +- Debt Checklists
Debt Placing Document
This checklist is to be used regarding the submission of a Programme Memorandum or Offering Circular to the Issuer Regulation Division.
- +- Other
Debt Issuer Agent/Designated Person Application Form
This form should be completed by a party wishing to be accredited as a Debt Issuer Agent or Designated Person.